Fixing Sync3 Upgrade ‘Out Of Space’ Errors

This is a supplement to my Ford Sync3 v3.0 ‘The installation has run out of space’ Upgrade Failure or IT Guy Buys a Truck” post which discusses my experience getting around this problem. It covers my overall take on the cause of the failure and the syntax of these upgrades.

Understand, it is based solely on my observations and experience as an IT Engineer. I have no information that supports this from Ford. This information was originally posted on reddit.

The cause appears to be simply installing too many ‘tar’ files at the same time. Ford has apparently dealt with this partially by breaking the installation into two parts (groups) themselves. But, it is not enough to work on all vehicles in all situations.

The installation is controlled by the ‘autoinstall.lst’ file which will vary with each version and vehicle configuration. Here is the one I had for the v3.0 upgrade.

; SYNC3 Consumer Assembly Upgrade - Release 3.0.21 - Only for My16 NonNav/NonEU assemblies.

Item1 = HB5T-14G386-THA
Open1 = SyncMyRide\HB5T-14G386-THA.tar.gz
Item2 = HB5T-14G386-TBB
Open2 = SyncMyRide\HB5T-14G386-TBB.tar.gz
Item3 = GB5T-14G386-SC
Open3 = SyncMyRide\GB5T-14G386-SC.tar.gz
Item4 = JR3T-14G391-BF
Open4 = SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G391-BF.tar.gz
Options = AutoInstall

Item1 = JR3T-14G381-AS
Open1 = SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G381-AS.tar.gz
Item2 = JR3T-14G423-BB
Open2 = SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G423-BB.tar.gz
Item3 = GB5T-14G386-AB
Open3 = SyncMyRide\GB5T-14G386-AB.tar.gz
Options = Delay,Include,Transaction

The syntax appears to be as follows:

  • [name] entries identify install groups. [SYNCGen3.0_3.0.19205_PRODUCT] and [SYNCGen3.0_ALL] are individual installation groups/sections (as I said above Ford has already made this into two separate installations). Also, the actual name appears to be informational but does not appear to be important.
  • ‘Items’ are individual installs. The name here does appear to be important and should be preserved.
  • ‘Opens’ point to the ‘tar’ file for the ‘Items’.
  • ‘Items’ and ‘Opens’ are identified and bound together with ordinal numbers.
  • ‘Items’ ordinal entries must be in numeric order.
  • ‘Options’ tell the installer what to do with the ‘Items’ in the group.
  • Install groups begin with a ‘[name]’ entry and end with an ‘Options’ entry.
  • Any line starting with a ‘;’ (semicolon) is a comment and ignored by the installer.

Knowing this we can manipulate this file to accomplish what we need to get around the error. In my case I needed to separate the ‘JR3T-14G381-AS’ and ‘JR3T-14G423-BB’ items into individual install groups and then it worked.

Here is the above file with the second group broken into individual ‘tar’ installs:

; SYNC3 Consumer Assembly Upgrade - Release 3.0.21 - Only for My16 NonNav/NonEU assemblies.

;Item1 = HB5T-14G386-THA 
;Open1 = SyncMyRide\HB5T-14G386-THA.tar.gz 
;Item2 = HB5T-14G386-TBB 
;Open2 = SyncMyRide\HB5T-14G386-TBB.tar.gz 
;Item3 = GB5T-14G386-SC 
;Item4 = JR3T-14G391-BF 
;Open4 = SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G391-BF.tar.gz 
;Options = AutoInstall  

;Item1 = JR3T-14G381-AS 
;Open1 = SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G381-AS.tar.gz 
;Options = AutoInstall 
;Item1 = JR3T-14G423-BB 
;Open1 = SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G423-BB.tar.gz 
;Options = AutoInstall  

;Item1 = GB5T-14G386-AB 
;Open1 = SyncMyRide\GB5T-14G386-AB.tar.gz 
;Options = Delay,Include,Transaction

Each install starts with a [name] entry and ends with an Options = entry. All lines start with a semicolon and are comments. To use this start at the top and remove the semicolon’s for the first group. Save the file to the USB, start the vehicle, plug in the USB in and let it run till it is finished. Take the USB out, stop the engine, and wait 5 minutes. While you are waiting, replace the semicolons on the group you just did and remove them from the next group. Save the file. When the 5 minutes are up, start the vehicle ……. and so on till you have done all the groups to the end of the file. If the problem was really space, it may now have worked. It won’t take as long as you might think because each step will run quickly compared to the original install that does it all at once.

This is not a generic fix for all situations but the approach is generic. Figure out where the error is, separate those ‘tar’ installs, and do them individually. Preserve the installation order but allow each installation to complete and clean up to get the space back before you do the next one.

Note: specifics will only work if you have exactly the same situation; same version, same vehicle, same vehicle configuration, same Sync3 unit. But if you use the overall approach, it should work in situations where you are getting an “Out of Space” error.

I hope this helps.

ADDITION 10-20-20: For those of you using a MAC to do this see the comment by ‘Themi Mintzas’ about extracting the download and file name changes.


31 thoughts on “Fixing Sync3 Upgrade ‘Out Of Space’ Errors”

  1. Nick
    Im still getting an installation failure code. I will write in details so you can maybe tell me what I am doing wrong. I am using MAC. I used StuffIt expander to open all the ZIP files so when I open the USB file it looks like this:

    I opened the .lst file using text edit. My original .lst file looks exactly as your original file. So I copied and pasted your corrections. When I un-rem the first portion my .lst looks like this:
    ; SYNC3 Consumer Assembly Upgrade – Release 3.0.21 – Only for My16 NonNav/NonEU assemblies.

    Item1 = HB5T-14G386-THA
    Open1 = SyncMyRide\HB5T-14G386-THA.tar.gz
    Item2 = HB5T-14G386-TBB
    Open2 = SyncMyRide\HB5T-14G386-TBB.tar.gz
    Item3 = GB5T-14G386-SC
    Open3 = SyncMyRide\GB5T-14G386-SC.tar.gz
    Item4 = JR3T-14G391-BF
    Open4 = SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G391-BF.tar.gz
    Options = AutoInstall

    ;Item1 = JR3T-14G381-AS
    ;Open1 = SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G381-AS.tar.gz
    ;Options = AutoInstall

    ;Item1 = JR3T-14G423-BB
    ;Open1 = SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G423-BB.tar.gz
    ;Options = AutoInstall

    ;Item1 = GB5T-14G386-AB
    ;Open1 = SyncMyRide\GB5T-14G386-AB.tar.gz
    ;Options = Delay,Include,Transaction
    This yields a “installation failed” error, however when I pull out the USB it says “Installation paused”

    So I tried to replace all “;” in all sections. When I replace the USB into the car, it now gives me a “Bad Installation File Error”

    Anyway, that is where I am at. I’ve been at this for a whole week. I’m ready to go postal. Please advise.

  2. If you followed Fords instructions to make the USB, it should be formatted exFAT and have only the .lst file, and the SyncMyRide folder containing the 7 tar files. I am not a MAC expert but it looks to me like you have unzipped things another level down (unzipped the tar’s themselves) producing these ‘additional’ items:

    Those should not be there and my be confusing the installer. Try removing them.

  3. Thanks for the fast response bro.
    When I download from Ford website, the folder that shows up is:
    When I open the folder these are the contents:
    There is no SyncMyRide foley, but instead the “auto install”, “dontidx”, and the 7 zip files.

  4. SyncMyRide\GB5T-14G386-AB.tar.gz represents a folder structure. ‘SyncMyRide’ is the Folder ‘GB5T-14G386-AB.tar.gz’ is the File. The thing is a tar.gz file is also a compressed (zip) file and I think your utility is decompressing it. The installer needs the compressed version. Delete these entries:

    Only these are used in the install:

    Nothing else should be on the USB. Just drag the contents of the downloaded ‘JR3T-14G381-AS’ to an empty exFAT USB. The installer is telling you it doesn’t like what it sees.

  5. Hey Nick,

    I have a 2016 F-150 with the same issue going on. Sync 1.0 trying to update to the latest version.

    I copied and pasted the text file to ensure accuracy… Unfortunately, I am still getting the bad installation error due to space or the wrong version.

    The files on my exFAT USB are the auto install text file, SyncMyRide folder with all the tar files in it, and the DONTINDX.MSA file.

    Can you advise any suggestions?

  6. Post the .lst file from your USB and the one you got via the download from Ford.

    It is important that you edit the file you got via the download. They are not all exactly the same.

  7. The issue that Mac users have is how the files are extracted from the zip file. I noticed the file names are SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G423-BB.tar.gz.
    The tar.gz files should be located in a folder called SyncMyRide and the files renamed to remove the SyncMyRide\ from the beginning.

    Create a folder on the thumb drive title. SyncMyRide
    Move the seven files
    Rename the files by removing the SyncMyRide\ from the fie name.
    i.e. SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G423-BB.tar.gz should be JR3T-14G423-BB.tar.gz

  8. You are correct about the structure. The software in the APIM module expects a folder with the tar files in it. Any other structure will fail because APIM software will not find the tar files.

    I don’t have a MAC but I have seen another issue too. Some non-Microsoft PC extract programs not only extract the Ford download which is a compressed file of the folder structure and compressed files (the tar.gz files are also compressed) but try to also extract each tar.gz files themselves. That also will fail because the APIM software not only requires the folder structure but that the tar files in it are still compressed.

    The point is that structure and format matter. Editing the ‘lst’ file doesn’t fix anything if the structure and format are not correct.

    For people having issues with this I have steered them toward a PC if they have what appear to be MAC issues or to native Microsoft tools if they are having trouble on a PC. That usually resolves the issue.

    Your solution may also help the MAC users if they can’t get to a PC. If so, the input is appreciated.

    Thank You,

  9. Nick, I have a 2016 ford f150 with Sync 3 software version: 1.0 build 15139.
    I did exactly what Ford said to do first and it would say Bad Installation File, so I did what you said to do and broke it up into 2 and I would get a sync installation has run out of space, once I take the usb out it says installation will resume once usb is back on, So than I tried doing this….

    Item1 = HB5T-14G386-THA
    Open1 = SyncMyRide\HB5T-14G386-THA.tar.gz
    Options = AutoInstall

    ;Item2 = HB5T-14G386-TBB
    ;Open2 = SyncMyRide\HB5T-14G386-TBB.tar.gz
    ;Options = AutoInstall

    ;Item3 = GB5T-14G386-SC
    ;Open3 = SyncMyRide\GB5T-14G386-SC.tar.gz
    ;Options = AutoInstall

    ;Item4 = JR3T-14G391-BF
    ;Open4 = SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G391-BF.tar.gz
    ;Options = AutoInstall

    ;Item1 = JR3T-14G381-AS
    ;Open1 = SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G381-AS.tar.gz
    Options = AutoInstall

    ;Item2 = JR3T-14G423-BB
    ;Open2 = SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G423-BB.tar.gz
    ;Options = AutoInstall

    ;Item3 = GB5T-14G386-AB
    ;Open3 = SyncMyRide\GB5T-14G386-AB.tar.gz
    ;Options = Delay,Include,Transaction

    and it is still saying the same thing….

  10. This ‘lst’ file does not look like what I got to work. I did not break up the first part of the install — the first four files:

    ;Item1 = HB5T-14G386-THA
    ;Open1 = SyncMyRide\HB5T-14G386-THA.tar.gz
    ;Item2 = HB5T-14G386-TBB
    ;Open2 = SyncMyRide\HB5T-14G386-TBB.tar.gz
    ;Item3 = GB5T-14G386-SC
    ;Open3 = SyncMyRide\GB5T-14G386-SC.tar.gz
    ;Item4 = JR3T-14G391-BF
    ;Open4 = SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G391-BF.tar.gz
    ;Options = AutoInstall

    These worked.

    In the individual installs of the second half, I renumbered everything to ‘1’.

    ;Item1 = JR3T-14G381-AS
    ;Open1 = SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G381-AS.tar.gz
    ;Options = AutoInstall

    ;Item1 = JR3T-14G423-BB
    ;Open1 = SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G423-BB.tar.gz
    ;Options = AutoInstall

    ;Item1 = GB5T-14G386-AB
    ;Open1 = SyncMyRide\GB5T-14G386-AB.tar.gz
    ;Options = Delay,Include,Transaction

    These are the installs I ran one at a time.

    I believe ‘Bad Installation File’ means it cannot find the tar files or they are corrupt. If you are using a MAC, read the comment on this post on how it renames the files and flattens the structure when it extracts the files.

    Also read the original post on what I did:


  11. Thank you, for all your help and your quick response!!! I have a officially a software version of 3.0!! You are amazing! Now I just need to order the upgrade usb to be able to use apple car play

  12. Is there any way I can get the individual batch files prewritten for each step? I am getting lost with some of the written recommendations because I do not understand exactly what is being described or what goes where. I.E. “Rem’d”??? I had the ‘not enough space error’ so I thought maybe the XM radio updates filled it up, so I did a master reset and now get a ‘bad install file’ error within seconds. I assume I need to copy new batch files over in a certain order and do several steps (assuming I can get it to work at all now that I have a new error) but does anyone have the correct batch files already written and ordered so I can do them in the correct order? Also do you need to delete any files of the USB or just leave them since they won’t be called out. If someone can send the files in order something like “autoinstall.lst.bak1, autoinstall.lst.bak2, autoinstall.lst.bak3, etc.” I just tried to open it and I don’t even have an editor for them it seems. Also, any advice if this doesn’t work until the bad file error is corrected? I have heard that error can hold this fix up… Thanks! (2016 EcoBoost Premium)

  13. No, because putting the exact files out assumes that every download from Ford is exactly the same regardless of the vehicle model\year\APIM type. Ford knows what vehicle you have when you do the download. I assume they are NOT ALL THE SAME so I can only discuss approach:

    This is what I got from Ford.
    This is what I did.
    This is the result I got.

    You need to work with the download you get from Ford; Not copy it from someone else.

    “Rem’d” is techie for “remark”. When a line starts with a semi-colon ‘;’, the installer sees it as a “remark” and skips it. In effect the line is not there for the installer. I hope that helps.

    If this is all still confusing, find a friend who is a bit more computer savvy?


  14. Glad I found this. I hadn’t even thought about looking at the install file to see what was going on. Fortunately I found this when I searched for the “out of space” error. Worked perfectly on my 2016 F150. Thanks!!!

  15. Just want to say thanks to the forum and especially Themi Mintzas. Was trying to help my 76 yr old Dad update his 2016 Ford F-150 before he drives MN to FL for the winter months… got the out of space error.

    He was using a Mac, followed your instructions and voila. Happy New Years to you all!

  16. I was attempting much of the above using the downloaded install on a Mac. Tried all of the suggestions. looked like it was going to work. Several minutes into the install, I received a bad file error. I then downloaded the PC version and the install went off with out a single glitch.

  17. I have certainly heard this before. It seems to be the way the Mac unzips the files imbedding the ‘SyncMyRide\’ path in the name. Themi Mintzas had the best comment on this:

    The issue that Mac users have is how the files are extracted from the zip file. I noticed the file names are SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G423-BB.tar.gz.
    The tar.gz files should be located in a folder called SyncMyRide and the files renamed to remove the SyncMyRide\ from the beginning.

    Create a folder on the thumb drive title. SyncMyRide
    Move the seven files
    Rename the files by removing the SyncMyRide\ from the file name.
    i.e. SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G423-BB.tar.gz should be JR3T-14G423-BB.tar.gz

    I am going to have to put more than a reference to this in the original post. Otherwise, my best advice is – find a friend with a PC.



  18. Nick,

    the first section of the autoinstall worked. system rebooted, and then it gave me the “out of space error” when it started back up after rebooting. i took out the usb drive, turned off the truck and continued on with the process. Second set of install was stuck on “updating system software” again which was my original issue. im stuck now, and i’m not sure what to do.

  19. I cannot see the ‘lst’ files you are using but the result you are getting are what would be expected if you ran the ‘second half’ of the install all at once. Done correctly, you are doing FOUR individual installs with FOUR different versions of the ‘lst’ file. It appears you are not doing that. You are doing Two installs with TWO versions of the ‘lst’ file?

  20. I have a 2016 Ford without the factory navigation and was losing my mind trying to get the sync update to work until I happened upon this information. I was following the Ford directions precisely. I knew to have enough memory on the thumb drive. I knew to format it as exfat. I knew to enter my VIN to get the download with files specifically needed for my vehicle. I knew how to unzip the files and then copy them onto the thumb drive. I knew the steps to download the software into the vehicle. Everything. What I didn’t know was Ford was sending too much information for the car to digest at once. I kept getting the bad installation file error and figured it had to be something happening with the download, so I did things like download the files and restore the sync software which were troubleshooting steps recommended by Ford. I even made sure to download the update over a hardwired LAN in case the time it took via wireless was somehow the culprit. Finally, I found this information and the solution. Unbelievable that Ford would not recognize this as an issue. Basically, it’s like trying to make the vehicle eat an entire pizza without being sliced. This solution solves the problem by cutting the pizza into slices and letting the vehicle eat the entire pizza one slice at a time. Anyway, thanks so much for sharing! I’m sharing with anybody I know that also needs a sync update for their vehicle. I’m hopeful this allows me to now install the Apple Car play module which I’m also outfitting with a wireless usb adapter.

  21. Hi Nick,

    So I’m trying your approach after trying for two hours to get a Sync3 with Navigation from Version 1 to Version 3. No time-out error message, but no progress either. Looking at the auto-installer, I believe that Ford might have said forget about it for anyone trying to update in 2023 and mashed everything back together. The one rub is that I’m doing the navigation version which I haven’t found an example of yet online.

    Here is Ford’s version:

    ; SYNC3 Consumer Assembly Upgrade – Release 3.0.25 – Only for Nav/NA assemblies.

    Item1 = HB5T-14G386-THB
    Open1 = SyncMyRide\HB5T-14G386-THB.tar.gz
    Item2 = HB5T-14G386-TCC
    Open2 = SyncMyRide\HB5T-14G386-TCC.tar.gz
    Item3 = JR3T-14G391-CE
    Open3 = SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G391-CE.tar.gz
    Item4 = JR3T-14G381-AX
    Open4 = SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G381-AX.tar.gz
    Item5 = JR3T-14G423-CB
    Open5 = SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G423-CB.tar.gz
    Item6 = GB5T-14G386-AC
    Open6 = SyncMyRide\GB5T-14G386-AC.tar.gz
    Options = AutoInstall,Delay

    Here is what I have parsed it down to:

    ; SYNC3 Consumer Assembly Upgrade – Release 3.0.25 – Only for Nav/NA assemblies.

    ;Item1 = HB5T-14G386-THB
    ;Open1 = SyncMyRide\HB5T-14G386-THB.tar.gz
    ;Options = AutoInstall

    ;Item1 = HB5T-14G386-TCC
    ;Open1 = SyncMyRide\HB5T-14G386-TCC.tar.gz
    ;Options = AutoInstall

    ;Item1 = JR3T-14G391-CE
    ;Open1 = SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G391-CE.tar.gz
    ;Options = AutoInstall

    ;Item1 = JR3T-14G381-AX
    ;Open1 = SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G381-AX.tar.gz
    ;Options = AutoInstall

    ;Item1 = JR3T-14G423-CB
    ;Open1 = SyncMyRide\JR3T-14G423-CB.tar.gz
    ;Options = AutoInstall

    ;Item1 = GB5T-14G386-AC
    ;Open1 = SyncMyRide\GB5T-14G386-AC.tar.gz
    ;Options = AutoInstall,Delay

    I intend to run it in six different sections and am hoping that you could tell me if my logic is sound. I won’t know if it works until after trying, but figure getting a logic-check would help set me up for (hopeful) success.

  22. Paul,

    I have no direct experience with Nav systems and no real input from anyone else. That said, doing this in individual pieces may work as long as you do them in the correct order. You may want to read the comments by ‘Tyler’ who did them all as individual updates. Thats the closest to what you are doing. Let us all know how this goes if you try it.


  23. Hey Nick,

    I have tried pretty much everything that I can throw at this problem. My truck never says “starting update…” or anything along those lines when the usb is plugged in. I have tried the segmented upload approach and the normal file, all do nothing to my truck.

    Have you heard of or know any solutions to the truck not even starting the update process? Any info would be much appreciated.

    – J

  24. Josh,

    No, this sounds unique. If I am understanding you correctly, it seems to say the APIM module doesn’t seem to ‘see’ the USB plugged in. That would seem to indicate a hardware \connectivity issue. Ie: the USB hub is broken, the connection between the USB Hub and APIM module is broken, or the APIM module itself is broken.

    You can perhaps do some testing – does the USB Hub charge anything plugged in or work for any other purpose; is the Hub plugged in (it is connected with a plug); or perhaps replace the USB Hub (as Trey indicates, most people have to upgrade the Hub for CarPlay etc. anyway) but beyond that, this sounds like a problem Ford needs to look at.

    Sorry, that’s all I can offer. I will be curious what you find.


  25. Thanks.

    Every so often I get a comment like this that answers the question “why should I as a retired, nearly octogenarian, not just shut this site down?”.

    Glad it helped you and thanks for the comment.


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