If you have gotten the WPIE15.exe error installing VB6 the reason is probably the install source. Visual Studio 6 comes from an era where we were installing on a physical computer, which of course, had a physical CD drive, which of course, had a drive letter assigned that almost never changed. So, when you installed any Visual Studio language from a CD, which you almost always did (even if you had an iso you burned a CD for the install), the installer remembered that drive letter.
My History with Microsoft Visual Basic
I encountered Microsoft’s Basic in 1998. It was familiar to me because of my use of BASIC on GE Timesharing as far back as 1967 (see the ‘About Nick Cottrell‘ tab). I began using VB Script to do various things. At one point, I completed a 900+ line logon script to convert a Novell user profile to Active Directory user profile and swore I would never write a script that large again. I began using VB6 to do things I could not do easily in a script. Not only based on scale and debugging ability but because I also found … Read more